
Divinely Guided

BRAND & WEBSITE designer

for beautiful souls




Divinely Guided


BRAND & WEBSITE designer

for beautiful souls

Get to 

me. xo


New Earth Creator Designing For Spiritual Mentors

As you read on the homepage.. I have done a lot of spiritual work in my lifetime. Finding ways to help provide tools and healing to clients who felt guided to me. When I was younger I always told my mother I would become a graphic designer {should have seen my paint bucket skills. lol} & here we are today. Instead of taking the career path when I was younger and do graphic design.. I WALKED MY SPIRITUAL PATH FIRST TO LEARN THE SHADOW & LIGHT SIDE OF REALITY. tHEN LEARNED ALL MY DIGITAL DESIGN SKILLS THROUGH YOUTUBE AND JUST TRIAL AND ERROR. Beginning WITH LOGOS and then moving into website design + development, which is my new passion.
during a meditation in 2019, my guides told me that it was time to learn and help new earth souls amplify their passion and purpose.. which would be through their business baby and e-commerce creations. All we do has purpose. So now I help beautiful souls create digital sacred space to help clients/customers find them easier by amplifying their beacon {website/brand} and intuitively calling people to them.
I am still in the process of bringing back my spiritual services and hope to soon. You do get a tarot reading with your website/brand packages and can purchase a "intuitive master quartz" from me as well. I live only 5 minutes from the largest quartz vein in america. I crystal dig and hold space for quartz crystals to help them find their soul human as well.
 Hope to connect with you more. xo

Spiritual Guidance

Coming Soon


My Soulmate, our sweet girls, our fur babies, our families, plant babies, crystals, everything boho, Dolores Cannon, magic, spirit guides, my galactic family, source, universe, god, everything love, healing, growing, kind souls, the new earth, organic, tarot, homesteading, quartz crystals. "Call upon my guides, my angels, my ancestors, my galactic family above and below.. I call to you for protection and to be surrounded by your light energy. I am always safe and divinely guided. Thank you! xo"

1989 Baby xo

Gypsy Soul
Maiden to Mother
Galactic Memories
Quantum Travel
crystal digging



These littles are my everything. You have no idea what love they can beam into your life. Littles can be hard, but they make and mold you into such wiser, softer and nurturing people. They bring out your inner child more as well. I love my little elemental babies {2x Earths & 1x water}. xo

My Babies



fae lily


My husband, my love, my soulmate.
He has given me the most beautiful babies and helping me grow in so many ways. He is the one that pushes me to continue what I do and supports me through it all. 
It's been 8 magical years! xo

My Soulmate


  • 2 pups: Charles is 13 & Daisy is almost 3.

  Sweetest souls I know. xo

My Fur Babies



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receive a 10% off code for anything on the site when you subscribe. New courses, apparel, tarot readings + more coming soon. Be the first to know all about it. xo